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Tobacco Free Parks in Gilchrist County!
June 10, 2024

In 2022, the Florida State Legislature greenlit Bill HB105, granting counties and local municipalities the authority to tighten regulations on smoking within public beaches and parks. This pivotal move empowered communities across the Sunshine State to safeguard their pristine natural landscapes, offering both residents and visitors the chance to revel in Florida's scenic splendor sans the concerns of secondhand smoke exposure. Moreover, it aimed to curtail the litter associated with tobacco consumption in these areas.

In the wake of HB105's passage, Florida communities swiftly embraced the opportunity to enhance the well-being of their citizens and protect the environment. By implementing smoke-free policies in public outdoor spaces, they not only prioritized public health but also fostered a cleaner and more enjoyable outdoor experience for all. This legislative action marked a significant step forward in promoting a culture of wellness and conservation throughout the state, setting a commendable example for others to follow.

The Tobacco Free Partnership of Gilchrist County has actively engaged in dialogues with key stakeholders, including local community leaders, health boards, and fellow citizens, to underscore the significance of implementing a county-wide tobacco-free parks policy. These conversations, occurring at various community events and meetings, have illuminated the robust support among Gilchrist County residents for embracing a smoke-free parks initiative in the foreseeable future. As partnership members have witnessed firsthand, the momentum behind this endeavor is palpable, reflecting a shared commitment to promoting health, wellness, and environmental stewardship throughout our community. Building on this groundswell of support, we are poised to embark on a transformative journey toward creating cleaner, healthier public spaces for all to enjoy.

The partnership has diligently strategized and crafted plans to present this proposal to the county commissioners, aiming to secure its inclusion on the agenda for a formal vote by our esteemed county leaders. With neighboring counties already forging ahead with similar progressive policies, the partnership is optimistic that the remaining board members, who have yet to engage with partnership members, will recognize the manifold benefits a new smoke-free park policy would bring to our community's health and well-being.

Furthermore, partnership members are poised to leverage the success of existing tobacco-free parks in our community, such as Hart Springs and Otter Springs, as compelling examples. These parks stand as testaments to the fact that a tobacco-free policy does not deter visitors; rather, it enhances the appeal of our county's breathtaking natural resources. By showcasing these thriving, tobacco-free havens, we aim to underscore the positive impact that embracing such a policy can have on our community's health, vitality, and overall quality of life. With a unified vision and steadfast dedication, we are primed to usher in a new era of wellness and environmental stewardship for Gilchrist County.